Friday, January 17, 2014


Obviously the walls of the retreat will be the same colour as the Master bedroom given it's really just the same room. For lighting I have decided to use the same type of chandelier as in the Master Bedoom except slightly smaller. So we will go with Ivory&Deene's 3 arm Marie Therese- Grace chandelier:

There are already built in wardrobes which is great. This means that along the other wall I can have something I have always wanted to have in a house- a large bookcase with a ladder to house my thousands of books! I found this one from an eBay seller by the name of dvine-dezign:

It's just lovely (´ ▽`).。o♡ It still probably won't fit all my books but it's stunning and I love it.

There are 3 things I have always really wanted in my house but haven't had room for.. The first two I have now mentioned- a claw foot bath and a bookcase with a ladder. The third one will also go in the retreat- a chaise lounge. I found this absolutely stunning Priscilla chaise lounge on Mint Black and it's actually a very reasonable price too:

I am thinking I will position it with it's back towards the bookcase in the middle of the retreat. I am also thinking I might get another round side/lamp table to sit near it.

In the retreat I think I will also have a rug. I'm not sure which one yet but probably something like one of these:

I also have a display cabinet with my dragon collection in it that will go in this room next to the bookcase.

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