Monday, May 18, 2015

The Girls

First of all I thought I had better update you on the plans. Still no full plans but the Draftsman did email me last week. Apparently he is just waiting on the energy efficiency report and then he will hand over everything (YAY) along with the invoice (BOO).

Now onto the room for my daughter and daughter-to-be. As I said earlier they will now be sharing as we didn't want to have to go two storey and we want to keep our house a manageable size to live in until we are too old. My daughter told me she wanted a pink, purple, green and blue room!! I wasn't really sure how I would manage that but after scouring Pinterest I have come up with something!

I'm planning a feature wall like this except with green instead of dark blue:

I'm thinking blue for the other walls. The final wall will have built in wardrobes in white across it. The colours I have chosen from Dulux are Iced Vovo (Pink), Blackberry Sorbet (Purple), Applegate (Green) and Wild Clary (Blue). Their bed will go along the feature wall. I'm going to go with low, white wooden bunk beds.

Toy storage-wise I have a cube unit that I'd like to get some white wicker boxes to fit into. Then I will paint the cube unit Iced Vovo at this stage.

I love these decor ideas too:

Again I haven't really picked soft furnishings. For a light though they will have a baby pink chandelier from Ivory and Deene:

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